Mini CrosswordConnectionsHardleFlaggleWeaver GameCinenerdleFoodle


If you enjoy word games, then you will enjoy Plusword. The crossword puzzle Plusword can only be solved by drawing on one's extensive vocabulary and knowledge of a wide range of subjects, which is the game's greatest strength. You can become a Plusword pro with enough time and effort. Have fun!

How to play

Getting started with Plusword is easy. The goal is simply to generate as many words as possible using the given alphabet. Achieving a specified score or quantity of words at each level is the objective of each round. You have two minutes to find as many words as you can in this game. Click the empty cell in the grid and enter the letter you think belongs there. If you touch on the letters to make a word, the game will check to see if it's a valid word for you. Plusword also features a word list for keeping track of the words you've already located and hint options in case you get lost. To keep things interesting, the game has daily challenges that feature new letter combinations. Enjoy!

If you want to exercise your brain more with guessing words, you can try: CulturleCinenerdle. There are many different topics for you to conquer. Have fun!

PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE VARIATIONS brain skill logic crossword word-search quiz seach guess letters